Acne Treatment: Step 1 - A Clean Face in Your 12-Step Program

Acne Treatment: Step 1 - A Clean Face in Your 12-Step Program

Acne Treatment: Step 1 - A Clean Face in Your 12-Step Program

Struggling with acne can be a frustrating journey, especially when basic creams like Scotty's Face Cream don't provide the relief you need. Understanding that acne is not just a surface condition but a reflection of what’s going on inside your body is the first step toward effective treatment. To combat acne effectively, it's essential to address the root causes within yourself and follow a comprehensive approach.

Understanding Acne’s Inner Workings

Acne is often the result of excessive toxicity in your body, which your internal elimination organs are unable to process. This overload can force toxins into your bloodstream, where they are excreted through your skin as a protective mechanism. Because acne reflects the overall state of your body and mind, a holistic approach is crucial.

If your acne is mild, a good skincare routine and a few steps from my 12-step program may suffice. However, for more severe cases, following the entire program is essential to achieving clearer skin.

The 12 Areas to Address for Clearer Skin

  1. Keep your face clean.
  2. Use Scotty’s acne face cream or another suitable product.
  3. Relieve constipation and consider a three-day liquid fast.
  4. Make dietary changes.
  5. Get plenty of sunlight, fresh air, and water.
  6. Take essential vitamins.
  7. Incorporate necessary minerals.
  8. Add special supplements.
  9. Use herbal mixtures for consumption or topical application.
  10. Drink detoxifying beverages or supplements.
  11. Practice skin brushing.
  12. Adopt a positive attitude.

Step 1: Keeping Your Face Clean

Eliminate Irritating Cosmetics

If you wear makeup, now is the time to reevaluate your choices. Many cosmetics can irritate the skin and clog pores, leading to more acne. Common problematic ingredients include:

  • Mineral oil
  • Lanolin
  • Parabens
  • Propylene glycol

Check the labels of your skincare products for these chemicals. Opt for water-based makeup instead of oil-based products and use them sparingly.

Choose the Right Cleansers

Avoid commercial soaps that contain harsh chemicals exacerbating acne. Excessive washing can also strip your skin of its natural protective oils. Instead, gently cleanse your face with:

  • Castile hand or liquid soap
  • Pure glycerin hand soap

To promote circulation and help clear out toxins from pores, apply a clean, hot towel to your face a few times a week. Ensure you don't scrub too hard—aim for light pressure to avoid damaging the skin.

Be Gentle with Breakouts

When a pimple is ready to open, you can lightly scrub it. However, resist the temptation to pick or scratch at open pimples, as this can lead to scars and further irritation. Simply maintaining a clean face using appropriate soap can help keep your skin free from toxins.

Mind Your Touch

Remember, whatever you apply to your skin can enter your bloodstream. Many commercial creams and lotions contain harmful chemicals that burden your liver and overall health. Minimize skin contact with your hands throughout the day and avoid resting your face on your hands or arms. When sleeping, try to rest on your back rather than pressing your face into your pillow.


Step 1 emphasizes the importance of keeping your face clean as a vital component in managing and preventing acne. By following these initial guidelines, you're setting the foundation for clearer skin and better overall health. Stay tuned for the next steps in the 12-step program to continue your journey toward radiant, healthy skin!

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